Haridwar to Kedarnath Route

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The distance between Haridwar and Kedarnath is approximately 125 km by road. Here is a step-by-step guide for your convenience:

Haridwar to Kedarnath Route :

  • Start your journey from Haridwar early in the morning at @3:00 am and head to Guptkashi. A shared Jeep or Taxi is a better option than a bus.
    Haridwar to Guptkashi Distance: 206.4 km in 6 hrs 30 mins
    Haridwar to Guptkashi Taxi/ Jeep Charge: Rs 400–500 per person.
  • After reaching Guptkashi, take another shared jeep or taxi to reach Sonprayag.
    Guptkashi To Sonprayag Distance: 30.2 km in 1 hr 30 min
    Guptkashi To Sonprayag  Taxi/Jeep Charges: Rs 150 per person.
  • Once you reach Sonprayag, it takes about a half hour to reach Gaurikund by shared jeep or taxi.
    Sonprayag To Gaurikund Distance: 5.2 KM in 30 minutes
    Sonprayag To Gaurikund Taxi/Jeep charges: Rs 50

Stay night  Gurikund ,Gurikund Stay Charges Rs 300 per person

Day 2:  Start Your Journey early in the morning from Gurikund To Kedarnath. It will take 9 hrs 30 mins to reach Kedarnath Temple. Stay between if required. You need to collect the token for darshan.

Day 3 Return: It will take  5 hrs 15 mins to trek down

Other Charges
Porters charge around Rs. 1,000-1,500 to carry your luggage from Gaurikund to Kedarnath.
Accommodation and food expenses in Gaurikund and Kedarnath are additional.


The distance from Haridwar to Kedarnath is approximately 125 km by road.

Haridwar to Kedarnath Route Map

In conclusion, the journey from Haridwar to Kedarnath is an incredible experience, taking you through beautiful landscapes and awe-inspiring mountains. With this guide, you can plan your trip seamlessly, whether you choose a shared jeep or a private taxi for your transportation needs. Do not forget to carry adequate warm clothing and comfortable shoes to make the most of your journey. Have a safe and memorable trip!

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